Digital museum

Arts and Crafts/Folklore
Fine arts and crafts and folk documents (original) stored in this museum. Personal donations make up the majority of them.

Lined Costume in BINGATA dyeing

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Lined Costume in BINGATA dyeing


This is a winter lined costume for women. It is called WATANSU, and was worn over DUJIN and KAKAN. Japanese classic patterns of SHOCHIKUBAI (combination of pine, bamboo and plum) and YUKIMOCHIZASA (snow on bamboo grass) were used on the yellow-colored outer material, which was the symbolic color for the royal family. The yellow-colored lining has a key-fret pattern of classical crosses called SAYAGATA, and cherry blossom patterns on it. For the coloring of yellow, orpiment was applied over vegetable dyes.

Data ListNational Treasure: Ryukyu King Sho Family Related Documents
Document Code05000034

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